Where you are, where you need to be, and how to get there

Digital Transformation Strategy Assessment & Plan

Whether your company is just starting a digital transformation, challenged by a current project, or struggling to scale, establishing realistic goals via improved definitions of challenges, opportunities, scope, and outcomesis critical. T42 digital strategy assessmentsare designed to help you accurately assess your existing state, define what success looks like, and create a roadmap that gets you there.

Get In Touch Now

Jasmine W.

Financial Services

I’ve put almost all of my focus into strategy and creating great products. Within one week I was shown my business processes and how our software connected to them. Then T42 streamlined all of it.

The Challenge

There are significant time-sensitive pressures. Catching up to competitors, closing windows of opportunity, and a constantly shiftinglandscape position thatthreatens your market position. Threats need to be countered andinsights into emerging opportunities need to be exploited quickly.

Charting the Path Forward

Digital Transformation Strategy Assessments are most effective when a targeted approach that centers on successful business outcomes is utilized. Firms should incrementally develop digital transformation capability by prioritizing key improvement areas to drive progress. T42 assessment, planning, and implementation services concentrate on specific and tangible outcomes, fostering a cycle of continuous improvement. Each step's success is evaluated against defined KPIs and validated across tooling, processes, and adoption. By leveraging successes and lessons learned, an organization's digital transformation steadily progresses towards the ultimate goal of business model transformation.

Effective Assessment & Planning

While maintaining a targeted approach aligned with high-priority objectives—be it a process, function, or line of business—T42 engagements, though highly focused, are carried out with a 360-degree understanding of the business, its markets, and all pertinent internal and external stakeholders.

Our Transformation Strategy Assessment and Planning aims to elucidate and document the current state of digital maturity, establish performance metrics, and delineate goals (along with expected outcomes) across four key areas.


Business Environment


Organizational Culture


Business Processes


Enterprise Architecture

The most crucial, and often overlooked, is culture. In particular, the velocity of change an organization is willing –or able – to accept. Programs for upskilling and programs to ensurespeed of adoption are vital.

Utilizing an outcome-based approach to digital strategy, T42 creates a digital strategy roadmap unique to your requirements. One that will put your organization on the path to successful digital transformation.

What does Transform 42 provide?

Based on our analysis across all factors T42 provides deliverables that include

A Findings Report

Gap Analysis

Recommendations & Roadmap

Our findings drive the digital strategy and plan recommendations, capturing your business landscape comprehensively. T42 will propose necessary investments to reach your goals, backed by a gap analysis and focused roadmap for impactful initiatives. Mapping current-state KPIs and OKRs to implementation outcomes is vital for measuring progress and validating results.

What do we do?

We partner with business leaders to craft and implement tailored digital strategies, ensuring alignment with goals and customer demands. Through careful planning and leveraging digital tools, we boost operational efficiency, improve customer relations, and gain a competitive edge.

Digital transformation is essential for businesses to adapt to the evolving digital landscape. Embracing digital innovations like cloud computing allows companies to remain competitive and meet customer demands. Our projects streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and create significant business value.

We partner with business leaders to craft and implement tailored digital strategies, ensuring alignment with goals and customer demands. Through careful planning and leveraging digital tools, we boost operational efficiency, improve customer relations, and gain a competitive edge.

In summary, we're committed to guiding businesses through digital transformation, not just adopting new tech but thriving in the digital era. With strategic planning and customer-focused solutions, we ensure they're equipped to navigate and excel in the digital landscape.

We offer customized support for digital transformations, covering all organizational levels. Our holistic approach includes culture and strategy shifts alongside technology upgrades. Through collaboration and innovation, we drive responsive transformations aligned with customer needs and digital challenges.

What we do?

We offer solutions customized to our clients' needs, conducting market viability research, planning, and implementing new capabilities. Whether it's optimizing internal processes, designing customer-centric products, or enhancing customer education, our bespoke solutions are designed to create a significant impact, aiding our clients in better serving their customers.

How we do it?

Our digital transformation project-based work sets us apart by leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance operational efficiency, streamline processes, and drive innovation across our organization.


Tailored Strategies

Develop customized digital transformation strategies that thoroughly align with each business's unique goals, operational needs, and customer expectations. This involves a careful analysis of the current market position and an actionable plan that ensures a smooth digital transition.


Competitive Agility

Improve adaptability to rapidly changing market conditions and evolving customer demands. This ensures businesses not only keep pace but excel in a highly competitive and fast-evolving digital landscape by staying ahead of trends.



Implement cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and cloud computing. These technologies are pivotal in fostering a culture of innovation, thereby driving significant business growth and distinguishing your company in the marketplace.


Expertise at Scale

Implement cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and cloud computing. These technologies are pivotal in fostering a culture of innovation, thereby driving significant business growth and distinguishing your company in the marketplace.


Risk Mitigation

Implement cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and cloud computing. These technologies are pivotal in fostering a culture of innovation, thereby driving significant business growth and distinguishing your company in the marketplace.


Efficiency and Productivity

Leverage digital tools and processes to streamline operations, thereby significantly increasing operational efficiency, cutting down on costs, and boosting overall productivity. This transformation affects all levels of the organization, creating a more agile and responsive business model.



Leverage digital tools and processes to streamline operations, thereby significantly increasing operational efficiency, cutting down on costs, and boosting overall productivity. This transformation affects all levels of the organization, creating a more agile and responsive business model.


Future-Proofing Businesses

Equip companies with the tools and strategies needed to face future challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Establishing a robust digital foundation and fostering a forward-thinking culture are critical steps in ensuring long-term resilience and success.


Sustainable Growth

Propel sustainable business growth by integrating innovative digital practices and solutions into the core business strategy. This not only ensures the business's longevity but also its relevance and success in an increasingly digital future.

Seamless Integration

Focus on the seamless integration of new digital technologies into existing business systems and processes. This careful integration minimizes disruption to ongoing operations while maximizing the benefits of digital transformation, ensuring a smooth evolution towards a more digital-centric business model.

Digital Transformation-as-a-Service: Elevating Your Business in the Digital Era

At the heart of our service is a comprehensive digital transformation strategy, designed to integrate digital technology into all areas of your business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. It's far more than just a shift in business processes; it's a journey to reinvent your business models and strategies for the digital age, leveraging new technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and more to drive significant improvements in operational efficiency and customer experience.

Our strategy for successful digital transformation hinges on grasping your business's specific needs. Collaborating closely with leaders, we customize initiatives that not only address present customer needs but also forecast future trends. Emphasizing digital culture, upgrading legacy systems, and embracing agility, we ensure businesses thrive amidst digital evolution.

In the post-COVID-19 era, digital transformations are essential for business success. Leveraging digital channels, data analytics, and innovations is key to meeting customer needs and achieving goals. With many transformation efforts facing hurdles, we're dedicated to navigating your company through this journey, ensuring a prosperous transition that elevates your business value and prepares you for the digital future.

Our digital transformation projects are built on a foundation of change management, data analytics, and customer insights, aimed at fostering an organizational strategy that embraces digital business and innovation. By forming cross-functional teams and focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs), we ensure that your transformation project delivers benefits that align with your business goals, from enhancing customer relationships to improving supply chains and achieving a competitive advantage.

In partnership with Transform 42, we are committed to not just navigating but leading the way in digital transformation trends, equipping your business with the digital solutions, tools, and technologies needed for a successful digital era. Our projects, typically spanning 3 to 6 months, are meticulously planned to foster impactful and enduring change, always aligned with the fast-paced demands of the digital market.

Why is digital transformation important? Because in today's digital business landscape, it's the key to enabling businesses to adapt, innovate, and excel. Our focus is not just on introducing new technologies but on reinventing your business for the digital future, ensuring that every step taken adds significant business value and propels you towards your goals in the digital transformation journey

What we do?

Transform 42 offers teams that are either dedicated or nearly so, tailored to our clients' specific needs. These teams collaborate closely with our company's key stakeholders to guarantee success and devise the right strategies to ensure the business areas they support flourish in the digital era. We provide support or augment the operations within our clients' business lines, thereby reducing the impact on resources and development costs. This approach helps businesses scale and increase profitability more efficiently.

How do we do it?

Our team works closely with client C-suite executives to understand their goals and challenges, laying the foundation for successful digital transformation. We integrate digital technologies into business processes to create tailored strategies addressing specific organizational needs and involving key stakeholders at every stage. This collaboration enhances strategic alignment and boosts digital transformation effectiveness, increasing success in the digital age.

Digital transformation is crucial for adapting to the changing digital landscape, making it important for businesses to embrace digital innovations and technologies. By replacing legacy technology with modern solutions like cloud computing, we enable businesses to stay competitive and meet the evolving demands of their customers. Our digital transformation projects are designed to streamline business processes, improve organizational efficiency, and drive business value.

Our team works closely with client C-suite executives to understand their goals and challenges, laying the foundation for successful digital transformation. We integrate digital technologies into business processes to create tailored strategies addressing specific organizational needs and involving key stakeholders at every stage. This collaboration enhances strategic alignment and boosts digital transformation effectiveness, increasing success in the digital age.

Digital transformation is crucial for adapting to the changing digital landscape, making it important for businesses to embrace digital innovations and technologies. By replacing legacy technology with modern solutions like cloud computing, we enable businesses to stay competitive and meet the evolving demands of their customers. Our digital transformation projects are designed to streamline business processes, improve organizational efficiency, and drive business value.

Our commitment to digital transformation is about more than just adopting new technologies; it's about enabling businesses to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Through strategic planning, innovative digital solutions, and a focus on customer satisfaction, we guide our clients on a journey towards digital excellence, ensuring that they are well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital era.

Our Digital Transformation as a Service include:


Tailored Transformation Strategies

We create bespoke digital transformation plans tailored to your specific business objectives and requirements, ensuring utmost relevance and effectiveness. Our strategies not only address present digital needs but also anticipate future trends, securing your organization's long-term success.


Cross-Functional Expert Teams

Access specialized teams featuring experts from diverse disciplines for a holistic approach to digital transformation. These multidisciplinary teams optimize every facet of your business throughout the transformation journey, resulting in cohesive and comprehensive digital strategies.


Advanced Analytics and Insights

Harness state-of-the-art analytics tools for profound data insights, enhancing decision-making, optimizing operations, and crafting personalized customer experiences. Predict trends and seize opportunities with our advanced analytics, propelling your business forward through data-driven decisions.


Innovation-Led Approach

 strong focus on innovation is at the core of our strategy, utilizing the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and cloud computing. This approach keeps your business at the forefront of digital trends, enabling you to embrace new opportunities and technologies as they arise.


End-to-End Support

We offer comprehensive support throughout your digital transformation journey, from strategy formulation to implementation and beyond. Our goal is to ensure sustainable success for your organization by providing ongoing guidance and assistance, ensuring that your digital initiatives achieve their intended outcomes.


Cost Efficiency and Scalability

Our strategies are designed to minimize resource impact and development costs, enabling your business to scale efficiently and increase profitability. By focusing on cost-efficient and scalable solutions, we help you maximize your digital investment and achieve better financial performance.


Change Management Expertise

Our expertise in managing organizational change is unparalleled, aimed at minimizing disruption and ensuring a smooth transition to new digital processes and technologies. We employ best practices in change management to facilitate employee adoption and optimize the overall transformation experience.


Future-Proofing Businesses

We ensure that businesses are well-prepared for the future by implementing scalable digital solutions that can adapt to evolving market dynamics and customer expectations. Our forward-thinking approach helps you stay ahead of the curve, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.


Customer-Centric Strategies

Our strategies are focused on enhancing customer relationships through digital channels, delivering superior customer experiences, and engaging with customers in innovative ways. By putting the customer at the center of your digital transformation, we help you build stronger, more meaningful connections with your audience.

Digital Business Strategy Advisory Services

Why we do it?

At Transform 42, we recognize that not every client requires an end-to-end solution, yet they seek expert advice on achieving digital transformation effectively. This understanding is the foundation of our Digital Business Strategy Advisory service. Tailored to meet individual needs, this service offers dedicated or near-dedicated digital transformation advisory, empowering client leadership with the insights needed to make informed decisions about their transformation journey.

What do we do?

As we begin our digital transformation journey, we'll explore benefits like boosted business value and customer satisfaction. Our team, with digital product managers and transformation leaders, is dedicated to helping you adopt these technologies, meet customer needs, and achieve successful transformation.

Our approach focuses on integrating digital transformation initiatives across your organization, from optimizing legacy systems with new technologies to improving customer engagement through digital channels. We prioritize enabling innovation through digital solutions, ensuring your company remains competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Each client is matched with a skilled advisor for digital transformation guidance. Collaboratively, you'll shape a strategy to refine processes, boost customer experience, and utilize tech like AI and machine learning. This strategy is pivotal for successful transformation, enhancing efficiency, and adapting business models for the digital era.

Our strategy encompasses not just technological changes but also a shift in business culture, emphasizing cross-functional teams and enabling businesses to thrive in the digital era. With our guidance, your organization will not only navigate the intricacies of digital transformation but also emerge as a leader in creating new business models and strategies for the future.

Amid challenges like COVID-19, our digital transformation is vital, paving the way for resilience and growth via cloud computing, AI, and digital innovations. We empower your business to surpass customer expectations, nurture digital innovation, and leverage data analytics for profound insights.

How do we do it?

Our team collaborates closely with C-suite executives from client companies to deeply understand their goals and challenges, laying the groundwork for a successful digital transformation. By integrating digital technologies into business processes, we craft bespoke digital transformation strategies that address the specific needs of each organization, ensuring the inclusion of key stakeholders at every step. This collaborative effort not only supports a strategic alignment within the client's organization but also boosts the effectiveness of digital transformation initiatives, thereby increasing the likelihood of success in the digital age.

Our approach leverages a mix of new technologies, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, to revamp business models and enhance customer experience, while also replacing legacy technology with digital transformation technologies. By focusing on digital innovation, we help businesses meet evolving customer demands and expectations, utilizing digital tools to drive change management and ensure a smooth digital transformation journey.

Post alignment, we provide continued support and guidance to aid the effective implementation of the digital strategy, enhancing operational efficiency and securing a competitive advantage. Our services extend to helping organizations harness the benefits of digital transformation through data analytics, cloud computing, and other digital technologies, aiming to improve key performance indicators and achieve business goals.

In this era of digital disruption, our goal is to position businesses at the forefront of their industries, enabling innovation through digital solutions and achieving successful digital transformations. By adopting a comprehensive digital transformation approach, we help organizations navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, respond to the COVID-19 pandemic with agility, and transform how the organization operates, ultimately delivering significant business value and superior customer satisfaction.

Our Digital Business Strategy Advisory Services


Tailored Digital Transformation Journey

Our advisory services prioritize customization, recognizing each business's unique challenges and goals. We don't offer one-size-fits-all solutions; instead, we tailor transformation strategies to precisely match your organization's needs and objectives, ensuring a personalized approach to digital transformation.


Expert Guidance at Every Step

Leverage our seasoned digital transformation advisors' unparalleled expertise and vast experience. They meticulously guide clients through every phase, ensuring clarity, efficiency, and strategic alignment. This hands-on approach is crafted to navigate complexities and streamline the transformation journey.


Comprehensive Integration

We ensure full alignment of every aspect of your organization for digital success. From optimizing legacy systems to advanced customer engagement, our holistic approach ensures digital transformation permeates every operation, fostering a unified and efficient digital ecosystem.


Innovation-focused Approach

We don't just adapt to the digital age; we lead it. Empowering your business with innovative solutions, we position you at the forefront of digital technology and practices. Our forward-thinking approach ensures your competitiveness and innovation in a swiftly evolving digital landscape.


Results-Oriented Methodology

Our priority is delivering tangible results—enhanced operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and increased business value. Committed to measurable outcomes, we gauge success by the significant impact we bring to clients, ensuring every strategy directly contributes to your business's growth and success.


Resilience in the Face of Adversity

In challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic, the resilience of digital transformation strategies shines. Our meticulously designed strategies provide businesses with a robust path to resilience and growth. Through agile tactics, we guide businesses through uncertainties, ensuring sustainability and strength in adversity.


Change Management Expertise

Our expertise in managing organizational change is unparalleled, aimed at minimizing disruption and ensuring a smooth transition to new digital processes and technologies. We employ best practices in change management to facilitate employee adoption and optimize the overall transformation experience.


Future-Proofing Businesses

We ensure that businesses are well-prepared for the future by implementing scalable digital solutions that can adapt to evolving market dynamics and customer expectations. Our forward-thinking approach helps you stay ahead of the curve, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Get started with Transform42inc

No payment info needed. Begin your financial transformation journey today.

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Our Services

people workingbusiness meeting

Empower Your Business.
Transform with Us.

Digital Product Design

Think of Transform 42 Inc as your bridge between day-to-day operations and future innovations. We know the tightrope you walk when balancing operational needs against the urge to innovate. That's where our expert team comes into play, specialists in DevOps, System Architecture, and Cybersecurity. Backed by extensive market research, we make sure your next big idea seamlessly evolves into a product that's both operational and profitable.

IT Modernization

As your business grows, managing IT processes and infrastructure becomes a challenge leading to your entire business slowing down. We Transform 42 Inc know the value of fast IT Operations and can transform your IT Operations into an agile, innovative, and scalable system. Our approach to IT Modernization helps your technical architecture move at the speed of your business.

Digital Transformation Advisory

Digital Transformation has taken the world by storm, and companies already leveraging the digital environment are quickly taking over markets. As experts we take an integrated approach to digital transformation of your business. With our all-inclusive solution, we ensure your transformation is both successful and impactful.

Agile Transformation

Today businesses are moving and changing faster than ever, not having the agility to keep up is detrimental to the success of any business. At Transform 42 Inc, our certified Agile Transformation Consultants genuinely understand your business needs. We collaborate closely with you to implement meaningful changes, making your operations more agile in today's rapid business landscape.

How We Help

Building People

At Transform 42 Inc., we know humans drive value. We empower your staff with time-tested techniques, ensuring your business is perfectly positioned for rapid and sustainable growth. We coach people to make a difference.

Process Optimization

Streamlined processes fuel speed and value, benefiting your team and clients. Through precise measurement, optimization, and automation, we drive swift revenue growth and contribute to overall business success.

The Right Tools

In a market saturated with tech solutions, we know the key to unlocking real value lies in tailoring these tools to your unique processes. We provide insight and implementation into the right tools for the job.

Check Out Our Videos

Build Your Fintech Fast And Sustainably
business presentation
Scale Your B2B SaaS and Avoid 3 Common Pitfalls
business presentation

Who we help,

There are two primary types of clients we serve:
First, we specialize in helping B2B SaaS companies thrive in the dynamic digital landscape. With our deep understanding of the B2B SaaS industry, we provide tailored solutions designed to address your unique challenges and propel your business to new heights.
Secondly, would be FinTech companies. Because Fintech companies must embrace innovation and invest strategically to stay ahead as the financial technology landscape rapidly evolves. At Transform42 Inc., we specialize in helping FinTech businesses navigate the complex digital landscape.

Why Choose Transform 42 Inc?

Collect money

Cost Saving

Greater operation insights resulting on cost savings.

Shaking Hands

Customer Relationship

Insights from multiple sources leading to greater relationships and retention.

Diagnostic design image

Value Streamline

Value stream realization between the business and customer.


Profitable Agile Transformation - Defense Industry

Joe has done something we’ve never thought possible. It took an
Agile Transformation process that normally takes 6 months and did it 3 months.

Janet L
- Defense Industry

Streamlined Processes - Hospitality Industry

I’ve put almost all of my focus into strategy and creating great products,
within one week I was shown my business processes and how
our software connected to them. Then Joe streamlined all of it.

Jasmine W
-Hospitality Industry

Optimized IT Strategy - Consulting Industry

Joe helped us on an challenging engagement with a healthcare client.
He not only provided guidance on IT strategy but helped us fast track high profile projects.

Farooq M
-Consulting Industry

Join Us On the Journey of Transformation

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Serving as your trusted partner in IT Consulting, Transform42 Inc. focuses on delivering measurable outcomes through Agile Transformation and Digital Product Design. We pride ourselves on the quality and reliability of our tailor-made solutions.

Contact Us

+1 (786) 551 1076

66 West Flagler, Suite 900 Miami FL 33130


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